Saturday, 16 November 2013

Background Network Installation Wireless Lan

Advances in information technology today continue to evolve with the needs of people who mengiginkan ease, speed, and accuracy in obtaining the information. Therefore advances in information technology should continue to try and improve the quality and quantity. One of the technological advances in the field of information transmission in the current growing besides fiber optic is the use of wireless LAN devices. Wireless LAN device allows the user relationship information even when the condition of the mobile (moving), so as to provide convenience to the users of the information in their activities. One example application of wireless devices at this time is the use of hp (cellular phone).

Basically Wireless LAN users on a network not unlike the wired network as the transmission medium , it's just the cost of installation would be relatively mild , especially when the network is located sufficiently far apart , so that even if the device is relatively expensive compared using the cable but when viewed ease of network installation and total cost is cheaper especially if the distance is far apart and difficult terrain when using wired devices .

One alternative that can be used as a conductive medium wave is a Wireless LAN Access Point . Authors recommend using this tool because it is easy to use and many functions . On the basis of the above authors feel the need to perform a network installation using a Wireless LAN Access Point to build HOTSPOT area .

The term wireless network is commonly heard at this point is a Wireless LAN . Wireless LAN is a network technology that does not use the cable as a medium of instruction in the common data in a computer network today . This technology is in accordance with its name , which means wireless cordless , uses radio waves to make the interaction or communication between a computer unit .